2021.1.1124.2 Linear Actuator

2021.1.1124.2 Linear Actuator


The Linear Actuator is a component to simulate an accelerated rotational motion on an axis. It consists of two components; Physical and Logic. Both are needed to control the Actuator through a logic adapter (connecting the Linear Actuator to an external controller through a Logic Simulator). Adding a Control Panel gives you the option to control the actuator from the Unity scene.

A succesfully created Linear Actuator shows up with this gizmo.

Where to find

The DC Motor can be found under

Standard Components > Linear Actuator > Add Physical Component

It will automatically be attached to a selected GameObject. Otherwise it will create a new GameObject to attach to.
A PrismaticJoint will be created automatically as part of the component.

Selecting the newly created GameObject shows you the following menu in the Inspector.

Please note: this is an example of a GameObject with the Physical Linear Actuator component.

Feature Layout - Physical Component

Live Data


Live Data


Target Velocity (deg/s)

Displays value of target velocity in degrees per second.

Velocity (deg/s)

Displays current velocity in degrees per second.



Wheel Joint

Sets the Wheel Joint the DCMotor will control.

Maximum Velocity (deg/s)

Sets the maximum allowed velocity of the DCMotor in degrees per second.

Angular Acceleration (deg/s/s)

Sets the maximum allowed acceleration in degrees per second per second.

Control Panel


Generate Control Panel

Create a Control Panel for this component.

Feature Layout - Control Panel


The Title of the Control Panel.

Click to ping the target component in the hierarchy.

Double click to edit.

DCMotor Properties


Preferred Velocity (deg/s)

Sets the desired velocity at which the DCMotor should spin.

Velocity (deg/s)

Displays current velocity in degrees per second.


Starts/Stops the motor.

Target Component


Target Gameobject

The gameobject which has a standardcomponent you want the Control Panel for.

Target Component

The Component which for which a Control Panel is generated.

How to use

  1. Add a Linear Actuator Component to a GameObject, in this case a simple cube.


  2. Add a Kinematics Controller, this can be found under Mechanics > Kinematics > Add Kinematics Controller. Make sure the Cube is parented under the Kinematic Controller in the Hierarchy.


  3. Add a Control Panel and set the Target (%)

  4. Press Play to see the translation of the cube, controlled by the Linear Actuator

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