2021.1.1124.2 Spline

2021.1.1124.2 Spline


This feature lets you draw a Spline in the scene, which is required in various other Prespective features.

Example of a Spline with three control points.

Where to Find

Create a Spline by selecting Utilities > Add Spline from the Prespective Menu

By default, a Spline with two control points will be created in the scene, or added to as a child element to the selected GameObject.

Feature overview


Spline Specs


Spline Specs


Close Spline

Make the Spline closed-loop, leave unchecked for end-to-end.

Spline Length

Displays the current Spline Length in meters.

Spline Control Points


Auto-name Control Points

Used to automatically rename control points from 1 to n (where n is the number of points) if their order in the Hierarchy has changed.

Add Control Points

Adds more control points to the Spline. New Control Points will be added after the last Point of the Spline.

Spline segments

Default Segment settings define the settings new segments will be created with.

Default segment Color

Changes the color of a default segment in the scene.

Default segment tesselation mode

The type of default tesselation (samples per unit of length or samples per percentage of length).

Default tesselation samples

The default amount of samples used for tessellation.

#0: ‘Point[1]' → 'Point[2]’= 0.999999m


Segment Color

Changes the color of this segment in the scene.

segment tesselation mode

The type of tesselation to use for this segment (samples per unit of length or samples per percentage of length).

segment tesselation samples

The amount of samples used for tessellation for this segment.

Scene View Settings


Control Point Label Mode

Defines the type of labels used for the control points.

(none, name only, full info).

Control Point Label Text Color

Changes the color of a spline segment in the scene.

Show Spline Normal Line

Whether or not to show the (green) normal line that describes the normal for every point on the spline.

Show When not Selected

Whether or not show the Spline when it is currently not selected in the hierarchy.

Select one of the Control Points in the Hierarchy to change specific Control Point values.

Conrtol Point Vector


Conrtol Point Vector


Handle Type

NONE: No handles and therefore no curvature;

IN_ONLY: A handle for in-direction tangency. Adds curvature in the direction of the previous control point;

OUT_ONLY: A handle for out-direction tangency. Adds curvature in the direction of the next control point;

CONTINUOUS: A handle for in-, and out-direction tangency. Adds curvature through this control point in the direction of both the previous- and next control point, with the out-direction handle being the inverse of the in-direction handle;

BROKEN: A handle for in-, and out-direction tangency. Adds curvature through this control point in the direction of both the previous- and next control point, with the both handles indivudually definable.

Handle Space

Sets the space (LOCAL or GLOBAL) in which to set the handle.

Control Point Handle Limits


Use Handle Limits

Constrains the handles to a single plane.

Handle Limit Space

Sets the space (LOCAL or GLOBAL) in which to set the handle limit plane.

Handle Limit Plane

Sets the up-direction of the constraining plane.

Control Points Up Direction


Up direction rotation

Sets the rotation (in degrees) of the control point normal relative to the Match up direction.

Match up direction

Sets the direction relative to which the control point normal is set.




up Match direction

The axis relative to which the spline normal is rotated.

Sceneview Settings


show Normal X axis

Show the Normal X axis of the control point normal.

show Normal Y axis

Show the Normal Y axis of the control point normal.

show Normal Z axis

Show the Normal Z axis of the control point normal.

show Gizmo when not in Selection

Show the control point gizmo when the point is not selected in the hierarchy.

Normal Display Modifier

The distance in units from the spline to the spline normal.


How to use


  1. To change the shape of the spline, first select one (or more) control points in the scene by dragging a box around them with your cursor, or by directly selecting them in the Hierarchy. Then, you can move them as you would any other object in the scene.


  1. To add curvature to the Spline, select one (or more) control points, and select a

Handle Type:


After selecting a handle type, either drag a handle through the scene or manually set a position in the inspector to add curvature to the Spline.



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Prespective Documentation