2023.1.116.1 Worker

2023.1.116.1 Worker


The Worker asset can be used to move products from one conveyor to another by being carried by a person. Waypoints may be used to fine tune the path along which the Worker will move.

Where to find

The Worker asset can be found in the Industrial Assets library. From the Library, the Worker asset can be dragged and dropped into your scene.

Feature layout

The image below shows the complete feature layout of the Worker inspector.



Walking Speed

The speed (in m/s) at which the worker will move.

Return to Start

Used to toggle the Worker returning to its starting position after an assignment is completed.

Show Waypoints

Used to toggle showing or hiding waypoint gizmos in the scene.

Refresh Motionweb

Used to (re-)index waypoints to be used by the Worker. Should only be necessary when unexpected behaviour occurs.

Waypoint: Locator field

Shows the name of a waypoint, can be clicked to locate it in the Hierarchy.

Waypoint: X

Used to remove a waypoint.

Waypoint: Type

Type of the waypoint (START, CHECKPOINT, PICK_UP, DROP_OFF).

Add Waypoint

Used to add a waypoint.

Add Transfer Instruction

Used to add a new transfer instruction.

Start Checkpoints

Checkpoints the Worker will move past before reaching the Pick Up Location.

Pick Up Location

The Waypoint from which to pick up material (Type must be set to PICK_UP)

Mid Checkpoints

Checkpoints the Worker will move past before reaching the Drop Off Location.

Drop Off Location

The Waypoint at which to drop off material (Type must be set to DROP_OFF)

End Checkpoints

Checkpoints the Worker will move past before finishing the assignment.


Priority of this transfer instruction over others.


Used to remove a transfer instruction.

How to use

  1. Drag and drop a Worker from the Industrial Asset Library into the scene.

  2. Ensure it is placed under the IA Controller in the hierarchy (this should happen automatically).

  3. To add waypoints, you can either:

    1. Click on the Add Waypoint button in the Worker Controller (recommended);

    2. Drag and drop a Waypoint from the Industrial Asset Library into the scene.

  4. Add at least one PICK_UP and one DROP_OFF type of waypoint.

  5. Move the waypoints to the desired locations in the scene.

  6. In case of a PICK_UP or DROP_OFF type waypoint, a linked cue needs to be added to (for example) a conveyor. To do so:

    1. Select the waypoint;

    2. Click on Generate Cue on Closest Spline (recommended);

    3. OR: Drag and drop a Worker Cue from the Industrial Asset Library into the scene with snapping enabled, and set it as Linked Cue in the Waypoint.

  7. Click on Add Transfer Instruction in the Worker Controller to add a new instruction sequence.

  8. Select the desired pickup and dropoff waypoints.

  9. OPTIONAL: Add checkpoints to move past during assignments. This requires adding CHECKPOINT type Waypoints in the scene.

  10. Set a priority or leave 0.

  11. OPTIONAL: Click on Refresh Motionweb if there are any issues in runtime.


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