2023.1.1344.2 Destroyer

2023.1.1344.2 Destroyer


Destroy a DES actor on a DES cue of a spline.

Where to find


Or manually add a DestroyInstructor component to a Game Object in the scene.

Feature Layout

The image below shows the complete feature layout of the Destroy Instructor.



Participant ID

Unique identifier of this DES participant.

Active In Simulation

If this object is active in DES simulation.

Destroy Instructor Settings


Destroy Recipes

List of destroy recipes.


Size of list.

Destroy Recipe


Destroy Actor Type Filter

The type name of the actor that react to this recipe (empty all actors are taken).

Recipe Intersection Event

Type of intersection event recipe reacts to:

  • Enter: entering the cue.

  • Forced Enter: spawning inside the cue.

  • Stay: any interaction with the cue.

  • Center: actor being in center of the cue.

  • Exit: exiting the cue.

  • Forced Exit: spawning outside the cue while being inside the cue.

  • Inside Cue Enter: actor being completely inside the cue.

  • Inside Cue Exit: actor being partially outside the cue while first being completely inside the cue.

Wait Before Destroy

Amount of seconds to wait before destroy is done (below 0 means immediately destroyed).




Cues connected to this instructor.


Removes the connection from this cue to the instructor.

Add Cue

Adds extra cue to be connected to the instructor.

Probability (Advanced)



Change of recipe happening (is between 0 and 1).




Show added information of things applied to this participant

Report All Activities In Inspector

Report all activities and events done to this participant in the inspector.

Event Report

All the reported events of this participant (only visible/active if Report All Activities In Inspector is on)

Activity Report

All the reported activities of this participant (only visible/active if Report All Activities In Inspector is on)

How to use

  1. Create DES Controller.

  2. Create Spline and put it under DES Controller.

  3. Add DES Cue to Spline.

  4. Create Destroy Instructor.

  5. Connected Destroy Instructor to DES Cue by dragging Cue into Cues in Destroy Instructor inspector or dragging Instructor into Cue Instructor in Cue inspector.

  6. Indicated in what way you want to destroy interacting DES actor within the Destroy Recipe.

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