V2020.1.56.3_ Import Collada File / Export Collada File

V2020.1.56.3_ Import Collada File / Export Collada File


This tool is used to import Collada (.dae) files into Prespective or export them from Prespective to be used elsewhere.

Where to find

The Import Collada File / Export Collada File can be found under Utilities.


Feature Layout

Import Collada File (.dae)


Import Collada File (.dae)


Select File

Opens the explorer to select your file

folder name

The name of the folder where the data of the imported model will be stored

Export Collada File (.dae)


Export Collada File (.dae)


Select Save Folder

Opens the explorer to select the folder where you wish to save your file

Left-Handed Orientation

Determines whether or not to use left-handed orientation for the 3D-axes of the exported .dae file. It is by default unchecked, which means that standard right-handed orientation is used

Export Selection to File (appears when a folder is selected)

Export the selected file to the selected folder

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