V2020.1.56.3_ Spline

V2020.1.56.3_ Spline


This feature lets you draw a Spline in the scene, which is required in various other Prespective features.

Example of a Spline with three conrol points.

Where to Find

The Spline can be found under Utilities > Create

By default, a Spline with two control points will be created in the scene.

Feature overview


Spline Specs


Spline Specs


Close Spline

Makes the Spline closed-loop, leave unchecked for end-to-end

Spline Length

Displays the current Spline Length in meters

Spline Control Points


Auto-name Control Points

Automatically renames control points from 1 to n (where n is the number of points) if their order in the Hierarchy has changed

Add Control Points

Adds more control points to the Spline. New Control Points are added after the last Point of the Spline.

Spline segments

Define the default segment settings for new segments that are created

Default segment Color

Changes the color of a default segment in the scene

Default segment tesselation mode

The type of default tesselation (samples per unit of length or samples per percentage of length)

Default tesselation samples

The default amount of samples used for tessellation

#0: ‘Point[1]' → 'Point[2]’= 0.999999m


Segment Color

Changes the color of this segment in the scene

segment tesselation mode