V2020.1.56.3_ Alignment Tool
This tool is used to align objects in the scene to each other. For example, aligning a screw with a hole or a surface against another surface. A shape can be drawn onto both objects, which is used to determine the translation and/or rotation one object has to make to be aligned to the other.
An example of a circle-to-circle aligment
Where to find
The Alignment tool can be found under Utilities > Alignment Tool
This will open the following window:
Feature layout
The image below shows the complete feature layout of the Alignment tool.
Part A / Part B |
Transform | Use this field to select a transform in the scene that will be used in the alignment operation |
Alignment Color | Use to select a color for the alignment shape that will be drawn in the scene |
Alignment tool type | The type of tool that will be used for the alignment operation. This determines how the moving transform will be translated/rotated, and to which exact point it will be aligned. The following options are available:
Advanced settings | |
Clear Part | Clears the Transform field and resets the settings |
Alignment Settings |
Offset settings | Unfolds the settings for an offset vector. See Adding an Offset |
Affected Fields | The transform settings that will be affected by this alignment operation. The following options are available:
Apply Alignment | Executes the alignment operation |
Isolation Mode | Isolates the selected transforms in the scene. All other objects will be hidden |
How to use
Drag the object you wish to align (moving object) into the Transform field
After selecting the tool type, use the handles in the scene to position the alignment shape onto the object
Press Shift+v to enable vertex snapping, which makes it easier to position the handles correctly, as seen in the example above. Don’t forget to turn off (Shift+v) when you are done with positioning the handles
3. Repeat this process for the destination object
4. Select whether you want to align using translation and rotation, translation only or rotation only with Affected Fields
5. Click on the Apply Alignment button to align Part A (Object to move) to Part B (Destination)
Advanced settings
Expanding the Advanced Settings gives you the following options:
Advanced settings |
Invert Alignment Points | Inverts the point order of the alignment shape, flipping the direction vector of the shape |
Input Space | The space in which the alignment shape point locations are set (global/local) |
Point vectors | Use these vector fields to manually set the alignment shape point positions |
Weight | The weighting factor of each alignment shape point. Use this to control where the centerpoint of the alignment shape will be positioned |
Centerpoint | The position of the centerpoint (read only) |
Normal Vector | The direction vector of the alignment shape (read only) |
Adding an Offset
Click on Offset Settings.
Click on the Add Offset Vector button.
To edit the vectors, click on Offset Vector n. See Scene Vector for further reference.