V2020.1.56.3_ Scene Vector

V2020.1.56.3_ Scene Vector


This tool is used to set and control a vector needed for an GameObject. A Scene Vector cannot be created separately and it is instead automatically generated when creating other components such as Kinematic Joints .

Example of a Scene Vector setting on a Wheel Joint

Feature overview

Scene Vector


Scene Vector


Global Direction (x,y,z)

This is the global direction of the scene vector (x,y,z)

Vector Tracking Space

This indicates the space in which the change in the vector needs to be checked in

Global: The space of the scene itself (global space)

Local Parent: The space of the GameObject compared to its parent (local space)

Local Child: The space of the GameObject itself (the space the mesh is in)

Vector Space

This indicates the space in which the vector is set in

Global: The space of the scene itself (global space)

Local Parent: The space of the GameObject compared to its parent (local space)

Local Child: The space of the GameObject itself (the space the mesh is in)


Here you can indicated a standard value you want the vector to be set as:

Up: Sets the vector in the up direction of the Vector Space

Down: Sets the vector in the down direction of the Vector Space

Forward: Sets the vector in the forward direction of the Vector Space

Backward: Sets the vector in the backward direction of the Vector Space

Right: Sets the vector in the right direction of the Vector Space

Left: Sets the vector in the left direction of the Vector Space

Custom: Sets the vector in the custom direction of the Vector Space

Manual Input: Here the custom direction can be set

Use Scene Gizmo

Enables Unity Gizmo handles which can be used to set the vector


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