2021.1.1208.2 Mesh Rescaler
This tool is used to enlarge or shrink a mesh according to a multitude of scaling methods.
Where to find
This feature can be found under Utilities > Mesh Tools > Mesh Rescaler.
Feature Layout
The image below shows the complete feature layout of the Mesh Rescaler tool.
Scale Process | Which process to use for the scaling operation. |
Scale | Re-scales the mesh with a given factor.
Compensate Hierarchy Scaling | Set the selected object(s) to be compensated for the largest scale applied to it by parent objects (does not work for objects that have children or do not have identity scaling). |
Set to Identity | Set the selected object(s) to identity (1, 1, 1) scale (does not work for objects that have children). |
Operators |
Rescale Selection | Applies the re-scaling operation. |
How to use
Select the object(s) you wish to edit.
Select a Scale Process.
Click on Rescale to apply the changes.
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Prespective Documentation