2021.1.1560.3 DQuaternion
2021.1.1560.3 DQuaternion
- 1 Overview
- 2 Description
- 3 Tips
The Unity Quaternion in double values.
Can be used to indicated describe rotation.
Quaternion is a description of rotation that does not have a Gimbal Lock problem.
This is achieved by describing a rotation not as a rotation over multiple axis, but describing one axis in (x,y,z) with a rotation over it.
Adding rotation is done by multiplying them with the rule given below. This is because the rotation applied to A * B means the rotation of B is applied over A’s space so it’s x,y,z direction have already been rotated by A’s rotation.
DQuaternion a, b;
a * b != b * a
Two methods to determine difference between 2 rotation:
//rotation applied after old rotation (local space)
DQuaternion diff = DQuaternion.Inverse(oldRotation) * newRotation;
//if determine difference like this use the following
newRotation == oldRotation * diff
//rotation applied before old rotation (global space)
DQuaternion diff = newRotation * DQuaternion.Inverse(oldRotation);
//if determine difference like this use the following
newRotation == diff * oldRotation
, multiple selections available,
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