2021.1.1560.3 Organic Collider (VHACD)
Currently VHACD is only supported in Windows Editor
This creates a Convex Collider based on the selected object.
Example of adding an Organic Collider to a simple Capsule.
Where to find
The Organic Collider can be found under Mechanics > Collider Generators > Organic Collider (VHACD)
Feature Overview
Create Organic Collider |
Filter out Duplex Vertices | Filter out double vertices |
Concavity | Maximum allowed concavity (default=0.0025, range=0.0-1.0) |
Alpha | Controls the bias towards clipping along symmetry planes (default=0.05, range=0.0-1.0) |
Beta | Controls the bias towards clipping along revolution axes (default=0.05, range=0.0-1.0) |
Min Vol. per Convex Hull | Controls the adaptive sampling of the generated convex-hulls (default=0.0001, range=0.0-0.01) |
Resolution | Maximum number of voxels generated during the voxelization stage (default=100,000, range=10,000-16,000,000) |
Max Vertices per Convex Hull | Controls the maximum number of triangles per convex-hull (default=64, range=4-1024) |
Plane Downsampling | Controls the granularity of the search for the "best" clipping plane (default=4, range=1-16) |
Convex Hull Downsampling | Controls the precision of the convex-hull generation process during the clipping plane selection stage (default=4, range=1-16) |
Pca | Enable/disable normalizing the mesh before applying the convex decomposition (default=0, range={0,1}) |
Convex Decomposition Mode | 0: voxel-based approximate convex decomposition. 1: tetrahedron-based approximate convex decomposition (default=0, range={0,1}) |
Convex Hull Approximation | Enable/disable approximation when computing convex-hulls |
OpenCL acceleration | Enable/disable OpenCL acceleration (default=0, range={0,1}) |
Max Convex Hulls | Maximum number of convex hulls to produce |
ProjectHullVertices | This will project the output convex hull vertices onto the original source mesh to increase the floating point accuracy of the results |
Generate Collider For Selection | Generates a collider for the selected object |
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