2021.1.1560.3 Indicator Light
Due to a Unity bug the Indicator Light shows unexpected behavior when the material inspectors is open. Please make sure to close the material inspectors when using the Indicator Light.
The Indicator Light is a component that lights up a Game Object. The Indicator light works by changing the emission property of a material to simulate a light. It consists of two components; Physical and Logic. Both are needed to control the light through a logic adapter (connecting the Indicator Light to an external controller through a Logic Simulator). Adding a Control Panel gives you the option to control the light from the Unity scene.
The light state can be switched between enabled and disabled. The intensity of the light can be customized as well as the color of the light used by the enabled and disabled state.
Where to find
The feature can be found under Standard Components > Indicator Light
This will add the Indicator Light script to the selected GameObject. If no object is selected a new Sphere will be created and the Indicator Light will be added to the Sphere object.
The Indicator Light script will only be added if the GameObject has a MeshRenderer and a Mesh.
Feature Layout - Physical Component
The image below shows the complete feature layout of the Indicator Light.
Live Data |
State | Whether the Indicator Light is Inactive or Active. |
Intensity | The intensity of the light. |
Properties |
Light Color | The emission color to light up with when enabled. |
Base Color | The emission color when disabled. |
Materials | The base material to use. |
Feature Layout - Control Panel
Title | The Title of the Control Panel. Click to ping the target component in the hierarchy. Double click to edit. |
Indicator Light Properties |
State | Whether the Indicator Light is Inactive or Active. |
Intensity | The intensity of the light. |
Target Component |
Target Gameobject | The gameobject which has a standardcomponent you want the Control Panel for. |
Target Component | The Component which for which a Control Panel is generated. |
How to use
Add the Indicator Light script to the GameObject
Select a material by clicking the “Select material“ button if no material is selected. It automatically grabs the first material to be selected and should be selected by default
The Indicator Light needs a material to be selected to function, this is because the Indicator light uses the emission property on the material. The Indicator light component defaults to the first material on the GameObject.
3. Select the generated control panel and click Activate. Drag the intensity slider to change the Intensity.
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