2022.1.1551.1 Emitter

2022.1.1551.1 Emitter


The Beam Emitter is a component that projects an optical (laser) beam, used for detecting objects. It is used in conjunction with a Beam Receiver and/or a Beam Reflector.

A Beam Emitter projecting its beam onto a Beam Receiver (left) and a Beam Reflector (right).

Where to find

The Beam Emitter Physical component can be found under Standard Components > Beam Sensor > Emitter > Add Physical Component.

It can be accessed from the GameObject menu as well as from the Hierarchy Context menu.

A new GameObject will be created if you do not have a GameObject selected. Otherwise, the Beam Emitter will be added to the selected GameObject.

Feature layout - Physical Component

Live Data



Shows whether the Beam Emitter is currently active and thus whether it will emit a beam.

Redirection Limit Reached

Shows whether the maximum number of redirections has been reached.




The maximum distance the beam is allowed to travel.

Origin Offset

Allows the beam to originate from an offset position relative to its GameObject position.

Origin Direction

Allows the beam to be rotated relative to its GameObject rotation.

Max Number of Hits

The maximum amount of redirections from Beam Reflectors allowed. Lowering this value improves performance.

Beam Material

The material used to render this beam. If no material is used, a Gizmo will be drawn instead.

Beam Radius

The radius this beam will be drawn with if a material is used.

Gizmo Settings


Use Origin Gizmo

When selected, shows a gizmo for the origin position and the origin direction of the beam.

Origin Gizmo Size

The size of the gizmo shown in Scene View.

Use Beam Gizmo

When selected, draws a gizmo for the beam if no material has been set.

Beam Color

The color the beam gizmo will be drawn in.

Beam Excess Color

The color of the beam excess will be drawn in (after reaching its Max Number of Redirections).

Control Panel


Generate Control Panel

Click this button to generate a ControlPanelInterface for the Beam Emitter.

Feature Layout - Control Panel


The Title of the Control Panel.

Click to ping the target component in the hierarchy.

Double click to edit.

Beam Emitter Properties



Shows whether the Beam Emitter is currently active and thus whether it will emit a beam.

Reduction Limit Reached

Shows whether the maximum number of redirections has been reached.


Enables/Disables the Beam.

Target Component


Target Gameobject

The gameobject which has a standardcomponent you want the Control Panel for.

Target Component

The Component which for which a Control Panel is generated.

How to use

  1. Assign a Beam Emitter physical component to a GameObject, or create a new one directly from the menu.

  2. Select the desired settings under the Properties tab.

  3. In order to detect objects passing through the beam, a Beam Receiver must also be created.

  4. Direct the beam at the Beam Receiver.

  5. Objects with a Collider will interrupt the beam, changing the signal value of the Beam Receiver.

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