2022.1.1551.1 Emitter
The Beam Emitter is a component that projects an optical (laser) beam, used for detecting objects. It is used in conjunction with a Beam Receiver and/or a Beam Reflector.
A Beam Emitter projecting its beam onto a Beam Receiver (left) and a Beam Reflector (right).
Where to find
The Beam Emitter Physical component can be found under Standard Components > Beam Sensor > Emitter > Add Physical Component.
It can be accessed from the GameObject menu as well as from the Hierarchy Context menu.
A new GameObject will be created if you do not have a GameObject selected. Otherwise, the Beam Emitter will be added to the selected GameObject.
Feature layout - Physical Component
Live Data |
State | Shows whether the Beam Emitter is currently active and thus whether it will emit a beam. |
Redirection Limit Reached | Shows whether the maximum number of redirections has been reached. |
Properties |
Reach | The maximum distance the beam is allowed to travel. |
Origin Offset | Allows the beam to originate from an offset position relative to its GameObject position. |
Origin Direction | Allows the beam to be rotated relative to its GameObject rotation. |
Max Number of Hits | The maximum amount of redirections from Beam Reflectors allowed. Lowering this value improves performance. |
Beam Material | The material used to render this beam. If no material is used, a Gizmo will be drawn instead. |
Beam Radius | The radius this beam will be drawn with if a material is used. |
Gizmo Settings |
Use Origin Gizmo | When selected, shows a gizmo for the origin position and the origin direction of the beam. |
Origin Gizmo Size | The size of the gizmo shown in Scene View. |
Use Beam Gizmo | When selected, draws a gizmo for the beam if no material has been set. |
Beam Color | The color the beam gizmo will be drawn in. |
Beam Excess Color | The color of the beam excess will be drawn in (after reaching its Max Number of Redirections). |
Control Panel |
Generate Control Panel | Click this button to generate a ControlPanelInterface for the Beam Emitter. |
Feature Layout - Control Panel
Title | The Title of the Control Panel. Click to ping the target component in the hierarchy. Double click to edit. |
Beam Emitter Properties |
State | Shows whether the Beam Emitter is currently active and thus whether it will emit a beam. |
Reduction Limit Reached | Shows whether the maximum number of redirections has been reached. |
Enable/Disable | Enables/Disables the Beam. |
Target Component |
Target Gameobject | The gameobject which has a standardcomponent you want the Control Panel for. |
Target Component | The Component which for which a Control Panel is generated. |
How to use
Assign a Beam Emitter physical component to a GameObject, or create a new one directly from the menu.
Select the desired settings under the Properties tab.
In order to detect objects passing through the beam, a Beam Receiver must also be created.
Direct the beam at the Beam Receiver.
Objects with a Collider will interrupt the beam, changing the signal value of the Beam Receiver.
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