WIP 03b | Interweb movement
Goal: Learn how to move a MotionWebActor in-between different ‘webs’.
This tutorial starts by having the setup created in the first part of the tutorial, “Movement within a Motion Web“.
Create a new Spline
To be able to make an interweb step, we have to create a Spline under the Motion Web Instructor that is not connected to the other Spline. We also have to create at least 1 destination Cue on this Spline.
Note: With interweb step, we mean a step where the Actor moves between Spline positions, which are not connected through the Splines. However, these Splines have to be part of the same Motion Web Instructor. So when talking about the Instructor, one could phrase that the Splines are part of the same ‘(motion) web’.
An example setup is given below.
Re-index Motion Web
Make sure to re-index the Motion Web Instructor, so it registers the newly added Spline and its Cues.
Adjust instruction step
To make the interweb step we have to adjust the instruction step made on line 34 of the TutorialMotionWebInstructor. Here, we have to indicate that it concerns an interwebstep by passing the _isInterWebStep parameter as true. Lastly we have to alter the target node to the newly created position. Below an example is given.
sequence.InstructionSteps.Add(MotionWebInstructionStep.GetStepWithMotionVelocity("MoveToOtherSpline", 1d, ActorToMoveOverWeb, "InterwebPosition", _isInterWebStep: true));
Now entering Play Mode, the Actor will move in between the Splines from the start location to the given target location.
A full example setup is also shown in Prespective scene “3.b Interweb movement“.
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