2023.1.1344.2 Pivot Tool

2023.1.1344.2 Pivot Tool


This tool is used to move and/or rotate the pivot of an object in the scene, relative to its mesh.

Where to find

The Pivot Tool can be found under Utilities > Scene/Hierarchy > Pivot Tool

This will open the following window:


Feature layout

The GIF below shows the different layouts of the Pivot Tool.


Move Pivot


Pivot Movement Type

This determines the way you will change the Pivot. Either Manual (So with the mouse or with coordinates. Or through copying the pivot of another object. The following options are available:

  • Manual target transform: Be able to change the pivot manually.

  • Target Object: Be able to change the pivot through copying the pivot of another object. (Position and rotation cant be changed as long as Target Object is turned on)

Manual target transform:


Pivot Edit Mode

Pivot Edit Mode is the mode that lets you freely move the pivot.

Free Movement: Allows the user to freely move the pivot around. User can also snap the pivot to other objects by holding 'V'.

Snap to itself

(Only shows up if Free Movement is selected).

This toggle makes the user able to snap the Pivot to itself. Meaning the pivot can be snapped to the object that is selected. Normal snapping (holding V) can't accomplish this.

This tool also works when a user is holding the object and then hold down alt.

Target Object:


Pivot Transformation Type

(Is shown when “Target Object has been selected in Pivot Movement Type“).

This determines if the pivot is moved, rotated or both. The following options are available:

  • Move Moves the pivot's position.

  • Rotate: rotates the pivot.

Align Pivot to Another Object

Use another object's pivot and use that as a target for the selected object’s pivot.


Displays the position of the target pivot. Can only be edited if Manual Target Transform is selected.


Displays the rotation of the target pivot. Can only be edited if Manual Target Transform is selected.

Always shown:


Get Mesh Center of Selected Object

Sets the position for the target pivot to the mesh center of the currently selected object.

Include Children

When checked, child objects of the selected object are used when you click Get Mesh Center of Selected Object.


Sets the pivot of the currently selected object to the target pivot defined above.

Undo Previously Applied Pivot

Undo a previously applied pivot change.

(Only available when a pivot has been changed)

Changing a pivot changes the mesh data in your asset database, this cannot be undone using the undo action.

How to use

  1. Select an object.

  2. Select the Pivot Movement Type you wish to use.

    1. Manual Target Transform if you wish to move it with your mouse or the position/rotation fields

    2. Target Object if you wish to copy the pivot of another object in the scene

  3. Click the Apply button to apply the settings.


The Toggle Tool Handle Position has to be on Pivot and the Toggle Tool Handle Rotation has to be on Local. If not, the Pivot Tool won't function properly

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