2021.1.1208.2 Double Kinematics Controller

2021.1.1208.2 Double Kinematics Controller


The Kinematics Controller is responsible for managing and updating all contained Kinematic Joints in the correct order (taking both priority and kinematic relationships into account). For it to work, the Kinematics Controller needs to placed in the hierarchy above any joints it should control. After creation the Controller will automatically manage the contained joints

Generally it is wise to use just one Kinematics Controller in your scene for all your joints, however using multiple Controllers is possible, but may lead to undesirable behavior.

Hierarchy view with Kinematics Controller and two Wheel Joints. Note that the wheel joints are children of the Kinematics Controller

Where to find

The DKinematics Controller can be found in the Prespective menu under Mechanics > Kinematics > Add Kinematics Controller

If no Game Object in the scene hierarchy was selected when this menu option is chosen it will create a new Game Object; alternatively it will add the Kinematics Controller component to the selected Game Object


Feature Layout

The image below shows the complete feature layout of the DKinematics Controller component.




Kinematics Controller Settings


Kinematics Controller Settings


Execute in Editor Mode

On by default. If this toggle is set true Kinematic behavior (Limits and Relationships) will also be enacted outside play mode in the Unity Editor.

The DKinematicsController runs on the Unity Fixed Update within play mode, and on a custom update cycle outside play mode

Note that Individual Kinematic components have a matching override ‘Enforce Outside Play mode’ that should also be on in order for it to work outside play mode

Kinematic Bodies

List of all Kinematics Bodies that are children of this controller

Sort By:

Sorts the Kinematic Relations either by:

Pass Priority, Type or Enforced Outside Play Mode

Related content

Prespective Documentation