2022.1.1551.1 Throughput Visualization

2022.1.1551.1 Throughput Visualization


Throughput Visualization is a feature that is applied in the following Industrial Assets components:

  • Product Part Spawner

  • Order Collector

  • IA Constrained Module (used in robot assets)

Throughput Visualization gives a real-time insight in the throughput handled by an individual component or module.

The visualization in the scene itself is handled by a Throughput Visualizer instance, which creates a real-time visualization of throughput by displaying the handled products per minute.

The throughput visualization is only shown in the Unity Editor Scene.

Demonstration on how to configure Throughput Visualization in a Product Part Spawner (click to enlarge)

Where to find

The feature can be accessed using a separate GUI block in the inspector GUI of compatible components.

Feature Layout

Throughput Visualization Settings Inspector GUI

Unconfigured Layout:

Configured Layout:

UI control/field


Throughput Visualizer

An object field that shows the Throughput Visualizer instance currently linked to the inspected component. By default, no Throughput Visualizer instance is set. An existing instance can be entered in this field.

Create Throughput Visualizer

Clicking this button will create a new Throughput Visualizer instance and link it to the inspected Industrial Assets Component.

Add Target Product Part

Clicking this button will add a new Target Product Part.

Clear All

Clicking this button will clear all defined Target Product Parts.

Target Product Parts (n)

This foldout contains all defined Target Product Parts. Only Product Parts defined here will be interpreted as throughput.

Target Product Part - Product Part Name

This foldout contains the product part selector GUI for the Target Product Part.

Asset GUID

The GUID of the object to spawn, Copy this from the asset in the library (Right mouse button on the asset you want in the library, then select copy ID, paste it here)

Assign by Asset GUID

Button to apply the AssetGUID pasted in the “Asset GUID” field above. This initializes the selected asset .

Assign by Scene Object

Alternative method to select the object to spawn. Drag a IA Product part from the scene into this field.

This will require you to use an asset that is also in the library, for this copies the library ID to the “Asset GUID” field and assigns the GUID.
After the object is dragged in, this field remains empty.

Asset Version

The version of the asset in the library. Selects the current version set in the library, but allows to use older or newer asset versions.

Throughput Visualizer

Inspector Layout:

UI control/field


Throughput Type

Defines the type of throughput that is visualized. This will only change the icon used in the scene view. The following options can be chosen from:





Text Color

Color field to set the text (and border) color of the visualization in the scene view

Background Color

Color field to set the color of the background panel in the scene view

Font Size

Integer field to set the font (and icon) size of the visualization in the scene view. The effective range is 12 - 40

Horizontal Anchor Point

Sets the horizontal placement (Left - Center - Right) of the visualization relative to the Throughput Visualizer instance transform position.

Vertical Anchor Point

Sets the vertical placement (Top - Center - Bottom0 of the visualization relative to the Throughput Visualizer instance transform position

Scene Gizmo:

Throughput Visualizer used on a Product Part Spawner

The number per minute displays the real-time recorded throughput per minute based on the defined Target Product Parts. The value can be seen incrementing until the first 60 seconds have passed. Extrapolation based on time units lower than minute does not take place.

The maximum recorded throughput per minute is displayed below that.

How to use

  1. Create a Throughput Visualizer in a compatible Industrial Assets Component

  2. Define the required Target Product Part(s)

  3. Style and position the created Throughput Visualizer instance as necessary

  4. Enter Play Mode to see the real-time throughput data

Prespective Documentation