V2020.1.56.3_ Logic Simulator
The Logic Simulator manages all child components connections to the gateway adapters.
A Logic Simulator enables Prespective to connect to external logic controllers like PLCs. A Simulator object is a container that manages the connection to an https://unit040.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TEST/pages/2883710 and a collection of Logic Components.
The configuration result is saved as an XML policy file.
In this article you find information on how to setup this manager to establish a connection. Specific adapter configurations can be found under each adapter.
Where to find
The Logic Simulator can be found under Logic.
This will create a PreLogicSimulator in the Hierarchy.
Feature overview
Gateway Settings are adapter-specific, please see the https://unit040.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TEST/pages/2883710 for more information about specific adapters.
Configuration Settings are Twincat ADS specific. If using other external gateways, ignore this section
Simulation Settings |
Simulator Name | Name used for to identify the simulator |
Start in Playmode | Automatically start the simulator when entering playmode |
Stream Connection | Shows the current state of the connection to the external source |
Content Lifecycle State | Returns the current status of the lifecycle management if supported by the selected adapter |
Stream Client State | Returns the state of the client |
Content life cycle management is not (yet) supported for most adapters
Component Settings |