V2020.1.56.3_ Logic Simulator

V2020.1.56.3_ Logic Simulator


The Logic Simulator manages all child components connections to the gateway adapters.

A Logic Simulator enables Prespective to connect to external logic controllers like PLCs. A Simulator object is a container that manages the connection to an https://unit040.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TEST/pages/2883710 and a collection of Logic Components.

The configuration result is saved as an XML policy file.

In this article you find information on how to setup this manager to establish a connection. Specific adapter configurations can be found under each adapter.

Where to find

The Logic Simulator can be found under Logic.

This will create a PreLogicSimulator in the Hierarchy.

Feature overview

Gateway Settings are adapter-specific, please see the https://unit040.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TEST/pages/2883710 for more information about specific adapters.

Configuration Settings are Twincat ADS specific. If using other external gateways, ignore this section

Simulation Settings


Simulation Settings


Simulator Name

Name used for to identify the simulator

Start in Playmode

Automatically start the simulator when entering playmode

Stream Connection

Shows the current state of the connection to the external source

Content Lifecycle State

Returns the current status of the lifecycle management if supported by the selected adapter

Stream Client State

Returns the state of the client

Content life cycle management is not (yet) supported for most adapters

Component Settings


Component Settings