2023.1.1294.2 Mesh Rescaler
This tool is used to reset, enlarge or shrink a mesh according to a multitude of scaling methods.
Where to find
This feature can be found under Utilities > Mesh Tools > Mesh Rescaler.
Feature Layout
The image below shows the complete feature layout of the Mesh Rescaler tool.
Scale Process | Which process to use for the scaling operation. |
Scale | Reset the mesh and its child objects to 1,1,1 and does not affect the mesh itself |
Compensate Hierarchy Scaling | Re-scales the mesh with a given factor.
Set to Identity | Inverses the mesh of given axis in world space.
Operators |
Rescale Selection | Applies the re-scaling operation. |
How to use
Select the object(s) you wish to edit.
Select a Scale Process.
Click on Rescale Selection to apply the changes.
Related content
Prespective Documentation