2022.1.1551.1 Processor

2022.1.1551.1 Processor



This feature is one of the Action Cues for the industrial assets library. Action Cues can be snapped on a spline, usually a Conveyor Asset. At their position they preform an action on passing actors. This Processor transforms a material actor in another material actor, and includes a timer that determines the process time.

Where to find

The feature can be found in the Assets Library (Prespective > Menu > Industrial Assets > Assets Library) under Categories > Action Cues > Processor.

This will look similar to this:

Feature Layout

The image below shows the inspector of the Processor.

Default inspector for a custom object
Default inspector for a non-custom object




Process time

The time in seconds the actor stalls at the processor cue before it is changed into the defined Product and continues.



Product Type

The type of product the actor is processed into by the processor. This can be set to custom, to define a custom created GameObject as output. It can also be set to Cube, Sphere or Cylinder to quickly set up a (placeholder) product as output.

Show Preview

Enable to show a preview of the output product above the processor in the scene


 If Product Type is set to Custom

Custom Object

GameObject field. Drag in your custom made GameObject to set it as output.


The thickness of the actor (space it reserves on the spline). While the preview is enabled, red lines are drawn, indicating the thickness on the spline.


 If Product Type is set to Cube, Sphere or Cylinder (Non-custom)


The dimensions of the output product. The thickness automatically matches these values.


The color of the output product.

How to use

  1. Open the Industrial Assets Library


  2. Download the latest version of the Processor


  3. Snap the Processor to a (Conveyor) Spline.


  4. Set the required Process time


  5. Set the required output Product

    1. If the wanted Product Type is Cube, Sphere or Cylinder, make sure to also set the required Dimensions and Color


    2. If the required Product Type is Custom, make sure to also set the Thickness.


If the Custom Object in not set for the Custom Product Type, the Processor will not change the actor and act as a Timer.

When creating a custom object, make sure the pivot of the object is at the bottom of the mesh. This so the product lays on top of the conveyor, due to the fact that the actor’s pivot is exactly set on the spline.


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