2022.1.1551.1 Staging Area

2022.1.1551.1 Staging Area


This feature is used to set up an area at which products can be staged in an IA application. As all action cues, a Staging Area can be snapped to a Spline Module. With the staging Area you can manage several things: firstly positions on the spline can be defined, to manage and interact with product parts on the spline; secondly the transfer positions where manipulators move to to manipulate/transfer a product; Thirdly assignments can be set to be triggered at wanted positions within the Staging Area.

Where to find

The Staging Area can be found in the Asset Library (Prespective > Menu > Industrial Assets > Asset Library) under the category Action Cues.


Asset Layout

The Staging Area consists of five segments:

  • Staging Area Cue Settings: Manages the settings of its main cue.

  • Staging Recipe Processor: Not implemented yet!

  • Staging Pattern & Positions: Manages the support positions on the spline within the Staging Area.

  • Transfer Positions Processor: Manages the transfer positions to be used by Manipulators & Free Agents to preform their actions at.

  • Assignment Instructor: Manages the assignment within this Staging Area which can be triggered at its support positions.

Staging Area Cue Settings Layout



 Staging Area Cue Settings

Owner Module

The module to which the staging area is snapped to.

Spline Length

The length of the owner module spline in meters.

Draggable In Scene

When toggled off, you will not be able to move the main cue of the Staging Area using the transformation gizmos in the scene.

Distance From Start

The position of the main cue of the Staging Area in meters measuring form the beginning of the spline.

Distance From End

The position of the main cue of the Staging Area in meters measuring form the end of the spline.

Area Size

The size of the main cue in meters.


Staging Pattern & Positions Layout


Staging Pattern & Positions


Staging Pattern & Positions

Action Sequence Category

The selected type of Action Sequence generated when the 'Add Staging Positions Pattern' button is pressed.

Add Staging Positions Pattern

Adds a new Staging Position Pattern to the Staging Area.

#0: Staging Pattern

The first Staging Position Pattern of the Staging Area.

Pattern Name

The name of the Staging Position Pattern.

Pattern Type

The type of this Pattern:

  • Fixed: fixed position on the spline.

  • Region: Not implemented yet!

Same Recipe for all positions

Not implemented yet!


The list of all the (support) positions of this Staging Pattern

Cue Reference

The reference to the cue game object of the position.

Position #0

Indicates this position is at index '0' of the positions list.


The offset of this position relative to the main cue position.


The recipe for this position (Not implemented yet!)


Remove button for this position.

Add Position

Adds a (support) position.

Scene Preview

Not implemented yet!


Transfer Positions Processor Layout


Transfer Positions Processor


Transfer Positions Processor

Action Sequence Category

The selected type of Action Sequence generated when the 'Add Transfer Positions Pattern' button is pressed.

Add Transfer Positions Pattern

Adds a new Transfer Position Pattern to the Staging Area.

Transfer Positions Pattern

The first Transfer Positions Pattern of the Staging Area.

Pattern Name

The name of the Transfer Position Pattern.

Staging Pattern

The Staging Position Pattern this Transfer Positions Pattern is linked to.


The type of manipulator for this Transfer Positions Pattern (Not implemented yet!)

Manipulator transfer position

The first Manipulator transfer position of this Transfer Positions Pattern.

Position Name

The name of this Position.

Transfer Point

The reference to the game object of the corresponding Manipulator Transfer Point of this position.

Position Offset

The position offset of this point relative to the Staging Area.

Rotation Offset

The rotation offset of this point relative to the Staging Area.

Used Pattern Positions

The list of Used Pattern Positions of this transfer point. A used pattern position links a position of the Staging Pattern Position to an Assignment to trigger at this position.

Add Position

Adds a Used Pattern Position to the list.

Left dropdown

The position of the Used Pattern Position.

Right dropdown

The assignment to trigger of the Used Pattern Position.

Manipulator Transfer Action Points

The list of Manipulator Transfer Action Points corresponding to this transfer point.

Manipulator Transfer Action Points are not implemented yet!

Add Action Point

Not implemented yet!


Assignment Instructor Layout


Assignment Instructor


Assignment Instructor

Action Sequence Category

The selected type of Action Sequence generated when the 'Add Staging Area Assignment Sequence' button is pressed.

Add Staging Area Assignment Sequence

Adds a new Assignment to the Staging Area.


The first Assignment of the Staging Area.

Assignment Type

The type of assignment. The selectable assignments are:

  • PickUpAssignment

  • DropOffAssignment

  • TransferAssignment


The name of the Assignment

On Assignment Started

Settings of the actions to do before the assignment starts.

On Start Action

The action to do before the assignment is started. Options are:

  • Do Nothing

On Assignment Staged

Settings of the actions to do when the assignment is staged.

On Staged Action

The action to do when the assignment is staged. Options are:

  • Do Nothing

On Assignment Complete

Settings of the actions to do when the assignment is completed.

On Compete Action

The action to do when the assignment is completed. Options are:

  • Do Nothing

PickUp - & DropOffAssignment Layout



PickUp- & DropOffAssignment Layout


PickUp- & DropOffAssignment Layout

Transfer Pattern

The transfer pattern the manipulator makes use of during this assignment.

Required manipulator

The required type of manipulator for this assignment. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED!

Manipulator Transfer Point Selection Settings

The settings to select the right transfer point for the assignment.

Selection Conditions

The list with selection condition for transfer points have to pass, to end up as a selectable option.

Selection Condition Category

The kind of category of selection condition that will be added with the 'Add Condition' button.


  • ManipulatorTransferPointSelectionCondition: used to select a Manipulator Transfer Point.

Add Condition

Adds a condition to the list of the selected type at the 'Selection Condition Category' field.


The first condition of the list.

Selection test

The type of Selection Test to perform.


  • MaterialTransferCueStates: Gives a condition of the states of the corresponding MaterialTransferCues of the Staging Pattern linked to the Transfer Pattern of the Transfer Point.

Positions to Test

The MaterialTransferCue postions to test:


  • First: Checks the ‘first’ position (position at index 0)

  • Nth: Checks the set position

  • Last: Checks the 'last' position (position with the highest index)

  • All: Checks all positions

  • First And Last: Checks the first and last position

  • Custom: Checks the set intervals

  • Interval Per Point: Checks the set interval for the the specific transfer point selected

Target State

The state the checked position should be in.


  • Occupied: There should be at least one product part at those positions.

  • Not Occupied: There should be no product part at those positions.

Fail Action

NOT YET IMPLEMENTED! Action to be done, when the condition fails. Nothing is done for now.



Settings of how the selected objects should be sorted.


The type of sorter to use.


  • TransferPointPriority: Sorts making use of the priority number of the transfer points, set in its inspector.


Which has the Priority.


  • Highest: The one with the highest number.

  • Lowest: The one with the lowest number.

Positions to Test Layouts
Nth Layout


Nth Layout


Nth Layout


The position to check. “1” is the first position.

Custom Layout


Custom Layout


Custom Layout

Add Interval

Adds an extra interval to the list.


The list of intervals to check.

Interval 1

The first interval of the list.


Removes this interval from the list.


The start of this interval. Should always be a lower or the same number as in the 'To' Field. The number ‘1' is the first position. When '0’ is set, this interval is skipped.


The end of this interval. Should always be a higher or the same number as in the ‘From’ Field. The number 1 is the first position. When '0' is set, this interval is skipped.

Interval Per Point Positions to test Layout


Interval Per Point Layout


Interval Per Point Layout

Add point interval

Adds a transfer point interval to the list.

Transfer points

The list of point intervals.

Position#0 TransferPoint

The first point interval of the list.


The Transfer Point these intervals correspond to.


The list of intervals corresponding to the selected point.

Interval 1

The first interval of the list.


Removes that interval from the list.


The start of this interval. Should always be a lower or the same number as in the 'To' Field. The number ‘1' is the first position. When '0’ is set, this interval is skipped.


The end of this interval. Should always be a higher or the same number as in the ‘From’ Field. The number 1 is the first position. When '0' is set, this interval is skipped.

Transfer Assignment Layout


Transfer Assignment Layout


Transfer Assignment Layout

Selection Conditions

NOT YET IMPLEMENTED! The selection condition for the manipulator to use for this assignment. For now all manipulator are selected.


NOT YET IMPLEMENTED! The sorting settings for the selected manipulator to use for this assignment. For now the list is not sorted.

Transfer destination settings

The destinations settings of this transfer assignment.

Add Transfer Destination Setting

Adds a Transfer Destination Setting to the list.


The first destination in the list and the first destination to travel to.


The corresponding Staging Area to travel to.

Assignment On Arrival

The assignment to perform when the manipulator arrives at the destination.

When Assignment Failed

NOT YET IMPLEMENTED! Action to do when the assignment failed. For now nothing is done (assignment is aborted).


NOT YET IMPLEMENTED! The sorting settings of this destination.

How to use the Staging Area in a single product transfer setup


  1. Drag a Conveyor of choice into the scene.

  2. Drag a Spawner into the scene and snap it to the beginning of the conveyor.

  3. Copy a Product Part id of choice and assign it to the spawn recipe of the Spawner.


  4. Drag a Staging Area into the scene and snap it to the end of the conveyor.

  5. Drag a Sensor into the scene and snap it to the end of the conveyor.

  6. Make sure the Sensor and the Staging Area are at the same position by matching the Distance to Start/End.

  7. Set an ‘OnCenter' trigger of the Sensor to the Trigger Assignment 'Stop Conveyor' of the Conveyor.


  8. Set an ‘OnExit’ trigger of the Sensor to the Trigger Assignment 'Start Conveyor' of the Conveyor.

    (Later steps 7 & 8 will be an incorporated setting in the Staging Area, so a Sensor is not needed for this setup anymore.)

  9. Drag a second Conveyor by choice into the scene.

  10. Drag a second Staging Area into the scene and snap it to the beginning of the second conveyor.

  11. Set the first assignment of the second Staging Area to a Drop Off Assignment.

  12. Drag the Fanuc_M-710_with_SuctionCupsManipulator into the scene and align both Conveyors and the robot, so both Staging Areas are in reach of the robot.

  13. Go back to the first Staging Area and Add an Assignment.

  14. Change the type of the Assignment to 'TransferAssignment'.

  15. Add 2 Destination Settings.

  16. Set the first destination to the first Staging Area and the second destination to the second Staging Area. Make sure the Assignment On Arrival of the first destination is set to the 'PickUpAssignment'.

  17. In the Transfer Positions Processor of the first Staging Area, add a Used Pattern Position.

  18. Set the Used Pattern Position to trigger the Transfer Assignment.

  19. If wanted, alter the transfer position offset. (usually to the height of the product to pick up)

20. Press play.


Prespective Documentation