2022.1.1551.1 SegmentSynchronizer

2022.1.1551.1 SegmentSynchronizer


The SegmentSynchronizer component automatically transfers any geometric changes on a BoxAsset to a Conveyor and vice versa.

Conveyor segments are updated with the Box Asset.

Where to find


Feature layout

The image below shows the complete feature layout of the SegmentSynchronizer inspector.




The BoxAsset that needs to be synchronized.


The Conveyor that needs to be synchronized.


The Axis on the BoxAsset that needs to be synchronized.

Cue Name

The GameObject name of index cues are displayed. Clicking it will ping the object in the hierarchy.

Anchor Point

The anchor point this cue will hook onto when scaling the asset. Anchor points are the start or end of a segment or conveyor.


The distance the cue needs to remain from its anchor point.

(Re)Index Cues

Search for all Action Cues on the Conveyor and create settings for them in the SegmentSynchronizer.


The SegmentSynchronizer automatically detects the BoxAsset and Conveyor on its GameObject. If it is unable to find a BoxAsset, it is unable to initialize properly and it will display the inspector below. A Conveyor, if not found, is added automatically.

Unsuccessfully initialized SegmentSynchronizer

How to use

  1. Add the SegmentSynchronizer component to a GameObject containing a BoxAsset.

  2. If a Conveyor was already present, it is detected automatically. Otherwise, it is added to the same GameObject automatically.

  3. Select the Axis which you would like to synchronize. The segments of the Conveyor are updated automatically.

  4. Index all cues on the conveyor. Set their settings so that they are anchored to the right points on the conveyor during scaling.

  5. Change the axis values on the BoxAsset, or the segment values on the Conveyor, and the other component and all index cues are automatically synchronized.

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