2023.1.116.1 Conveyor

2023.1.116.1 Conveyor


The Conveyor component transfers a product along a spline where different segments can be set which each have their own behahviour.

A standard Conveyor with a Spawner and a Collector

Where to find

The feature can be found in the Assets Library (Prespective > Menu > Industrial Assets > Assets Library) under Categories > Modules > Conveyors > Any Conveyor

This will look similar to the following image.

Feature Layout

The image below shows the complete feature layout of the Conveyor.



Foldout that describes the different segments of this conveyor. Segments on a conveyor can have different properties

Owner Spline

Locator field for the Main Spline this conveyor uses to transport material

Length (m)

Length of the Conveyor (spline) in meters

Add Physics at end

Whether to apply physics at the end of a conveyor that is not connected to anything else. This will make the product fall of the conveyor or not

Add Spline Segment

Adds a spline segment to this conveyor

Segment [n]

Settings of the segment (you need at least 1 segment per conveyor)


The starting point of this segment, expressed in distance from the Spline starting point


The end point of this segment, expressed in distance from the Spline starting point

Current Motion state

The motion state that is currently active on this segment

Parts on Segment

Shows a list of locator fields for all items currently being transported on that segment


Motion States

Foldout containing all motions states of this conveyor

Add Motion State

Used to add a new Motion State to this conveyor

MotionState [n]

The Motion State defined for this conveyor

State Name

Name of this motion state that will be displayed in the segment settings

State Target Velocity

Velocity that the conveyor will move at when given this motion state

Motion Transition Assignments

Foldout containing all motions transitions of this conveyor. these can be called to change the motion states of specific segments to specific states

Add Motion Transition Assignment

Used to add a new Motion Transition Assignment to this conveyor

Assignment [n]

The Motion Transition Assignment description

Transition Name

Name of this motion Transition Assignment that will be displayed and is used to call this method

Affected Segments

If the conveyor has multiple segments, you can specify which segments to apply this motion assignment transition to

Result State

The resulting motion state to transfer the affected segments to

Condition States

Foldout with (optional) condition states. This can be used to set states that can be used is other modules as input or output for conditions. For instance you can make 2 states, empty and full, and another connected conveyor can make decisions based on the state of this conveyor

Add IA State Category Action Sequence

Adds a new state category to this foldout


Foldout of the specific state category

State Category Name

Name of this State Category that will be displayed and is used to refer to this state

Create New State

Creates a new state within this category

State#0 : [state name]

Foldout with the state settings

State Name

The name of this state




A processor that can be used to trigger certain events. Mainly used to setup TACT movement and spawning of a conveyor.



A processor that can be used to trigger certain events. Mainly used to setup TACT movement and spawning of a conveyor.

Add Timer Trigger


Button to add another Timer Trigger.

Timer Name

#0 Timer Trigger

The reference name that can be set for this timer.



Dropdown to select the interval of the timer:

  1. Fixed - use a fixed value timer, for instance every 1 second.

  2. Random - use for a random timer that can be set on an random value between 2 values.

  3. Tact - Chain multiple timers with actions together. For instance, spawn a product for 1 second, start a conveyor for 1 second, stop conveyor for 1 second, then check if a new spawn assignment is valid.



The duration of the timer to wait for a new spawn.

Minimum duration


The minimum value of the random time.

maximum duration


The maximum value of the random time.

On Timer Complete

Fixed / Random

Dropdown to select an action:

  1. Trigger Assignment - supports only the triggering of an assignment.

Assignment Owner Object

Fixed / Random

The object to perform the assignment on, by default this conveyor itself.

Target Assignment

Fixed / Random

Dropdown to select the assignment on the “Assignment Owner Object“.

On Triggered Assignment Failure

Fixed / Random

Drop down to select an extra action to do when the target assignment failed:

  1. Do Nothing - do nothing

  2. Trigger Assignment - Trigger another assignment on a selectable object, this can be on a different object than the conveyor.

  3. Trigger State Transition - Trigger a state transition on a selectable object that supports trigger state transitions.

On Assignment Successfully Staged

Fixed / Random

Drop down to select an extra action to do when the target assignment is successfully done:

  1. Do Nothing - do nothing

  2. Trigger Assignment - Trigger another assignment on a selectable object, this can be on a different object than the conveyor.

  3. Trigger State Transition - Trigger a state transition on a selectable object that supports trigger state transitions.

Tact Intervals


A series of Tact “segments” that are played in order to complete a full tact cycle. The tact cycle is run in repeat.
The image below shows a cycle of 3 seconds in total, which runs 3 “segments” in order of appearance.

Tact Segment Name


The name to reference this specific tact segment.

Duration (sec.)


The duration this step takes, in seconds. after this time the “On Tact Timer Complete” action will be called.

On Tact Timer Complete


The action to perform when this tact segment timer is over:

  1. Do Nothing - do nothing

  2. Trigger Assignment - Trigger another assignment on a selectable object, this can be on a different object than the conveyor.

  3. Trigger State Transition - Trigger a state transition on a selectable object that supports trigger state transitions.

Assignment Owner Object

Tact - Trigger Assignment

The object to perform the assignment on, by default this conveyoritself.

Target Assignment

Tact - Trigger Assignment

Dropdown to select the assignment on the “Assignment Owner Object“.

On Triggered Assignment Failure

Tact - Trigger Assignment

Drop down to select an extra action to do when the target assignment failed:

  1. Do Nothing - do nothing

  2. Trigger Assignment - Trigger another assignment on a selectable object, this can be on a different object than the conveyor.

  3. Trigger State Transition - Trigger a state transition on a selectable object that supports trigger state transitions.

On Assignment Successfully Staged

Tact - Trigger Assignment

Drop down to select an extra action to do when the target assignment is successfully done:

  1. Do Nothing - do nothing

  2. Trigger Assignment - Trigger another assignment on a selectable object, this can be on a different object than the conveyor.

  3. Trigger State Transition - Trigger a state transition on a selectable object that supports trigger state transitions.

State Owner Object

Tact - Trigger State Transition

The object on which to trigger the State Change (for instance a Trigger Assignment).

Target State Category

Tact - Trigger State Transition

A dropdown containing the State Categories on the “State Owner Object”.

Transition to State

Tact - Trigger State Transition

The state to transition to.

Add OnComplete Event


Button to add another On Complete event that is executed when the trigger is triggered and the additional condition(s) are met.

Add Tact Interval


Button to add another Tact Interval.

Advanced Timer Settings


The advanced settings corresponding to this timer.



When to start this Timer.

  1. When Simulation Starts

Start Interval


When the Intervals should be started.

  1. Same As Other Interval Options



When and how this Interval should repeat itself.

  1. Forever

Trigger when scheduler is set and active


If this timer should also trigger when a scheduler is set to the conveyor. In other words, if this should overrule the scheduler.

How to use

  1. Open the Industrial Assets Library and drag a Conveyor into the scene.


2. Add any required extra Motion States to the Conveyor.


3. Add any required extra Segments to the Conveyor.

4. Add any required extra Motion Transition Assignments to the Conveyor.

5. Connect any other modules to the Conveyor.


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