2023.1.116.1 Trigger Cue (Sensor)

2023.1.116.1 Trigger Cue (Sensor)


A Trigger can test for predefined conditions, upon detecting passing Product Parts, to invoke predefined Actions.

Where to find

The Trigger can be found in the Assets Library (Prespective > Menu > Industrial Assets > Assets Library) under Categories > Action Cues > Trigger Sensor. From the Library, the Trigger can be dragged and dropped into your scene.

Feature layout

The image below shows the complete feature layout of the Trigger Cue inspector.

[insert image]

the default trigger cue inspector






Trigger Cue Settings


General setting of this Cue

Owner Module


The module the sensor is snapped on [read only]

Spline Length (m)


The length of the spline the sensor is snapped on [read only]

Draggable In Scene


bool that states if the cue that is connected to the Trigger Sensor is draggable in the spector or not

Distance From Start (m)


The distance this object is located from the start of the spline in meters

Distance From End (m)


The distance this object is located from the end of the spline in meters

Area Size (m)


The size of the Trigger Cue in meters
(0 still creates a working sensor, but the start, end and middle are located at the same position)

Trigger Settings


Contains a list of Trigger Cue Action Sequences that starts a specific action on a specific object on a specific sensor event

Fill Condition


The sensor event to trigger actions
1. Fully Contained - The product part is completely within the sensor are (for instance an object of 0.2m can be fully contained within a sensor with Area Size > 0.2m)

2. On Enter - When (the first part of) a product part enters the Sensor area
3. On Center - When (the first part of) a product part hits the center of the Sensor area
4. On Exit - When (the last part of) a product part leaves the Sensor area

Product Part Filter


Filter to set what product parts to trigger on

  1. Trigger On All Parts - The sensor reacts to all product parts

  2. Specific Product Part - NOT IMPLEMENTED YET

Add New Condition


Adds a new condition to the trigger event. Conditions can be set to make simple checks when the sensor event is triggered

Target Cue


[Legacy] does not need to be set



The condition to test for:
1. # of Parts Present - NOT IMPLEMENTED
2. # of Active instences - NOT IMPLEMENTED
3. # of Total Spawned instances - NOT IMPLEMENTED
4. Current Target State - Checks for a certain state on a specified object

State Owner Object

Current Target State

The object on which to check the state (can be the sensor itself)

Target State Category

Current Target State

Select a State Category on the “State Owner Object” to check the state of

State ==

Current Target State

If the state on the “State Owner Object” is this state in the specified “Target State Category” then execute the “On Trigger Event”, otherwise trigger the “On Failure”

On Failure

Current Target State

if the “State ==” condition is not met, do one of the following:
1. Abort Assignment - NOT IMPLEMENTED
2. Try Next Condition - try the next condition on this Trigger Cue
3. Do Nothing - do nothing

Add OnComplete Event


Button to add another On Complete event that is executed when the trigger is triggered and the additional condition(s) are met

On Trigger Event


The Type of event to trigger:
1. Do Nothing - Do nothing
2. Trigger Assignment - trigger an assignment on an object
3. Trigger State Transition - trigger a state transition

Module To Use


Which module to trigger an assignment on:

  1. Owner Module - the Module that this TriggerCue is snapped to.

  2. Next Module - the Module snapped to the end of this module.

  3. Previous Module - the Module snapped to the start of this module.

  4. Other Module - any module currently in scene.

Assignment Owner

Trigger Assignment

The object on which to trigger the assignment (for instance a Conveyor)

Target Assignment

Trigger Assignment

Dropdown with all available assignments on the current module or chosen Assignment Owner Object.

When Module To Use is Next or Previous Module, this is a Text Field where the desired Assignment to trigger can be written.

On Triggered Assignment Failure

Trigger Assignment

The Type of event to trigger when the “Target Assignment” fails to complete:

  1. Do Nothing - Do nothing

  2. Trigger Another Assignment - trigger an assignment on an object

  3. Trigger State Transition - trigger a state transition

[only available when a valid “Assignment Owner Object” is selected]


Trigger Assignment

The Type of event to trigger when the “Target Assignment” completes:

  1. Do Nothing - Do nothing

  2. Trigger Another Assignment - trigger an assignment on an object

  3. Trigger State Transition - trigger a state transition

[only available when a valid “Assignment Owner Object” is selected]


Trigger Assignment

Buton to create an additional assignment to be triggered

State Owner Object

Trigger State Transition

The object on which to trigger the State Change (for instance a Trigger Assignment)

Target State Category

Trigger State Transition

A dropdown containing the State Categories on the “State Owner Object”

Transition to State

Trigger State Transition

The state to transition to

Test State Processor


a Processor that contains State Categories with different states

Action Sequence Category


Dropdown that now contains only one option
1. IA State Category Action Sequence

Add IA State Category Action Sequence


A Button to add a new IA State Category

State Category Name

IA State Category Action Sequence

The name of the State Category

Category States

IA State Category Action Sequence

a List of all the states in this Category

State # State Name

IA State Category Action Sequence

The name of this State

Startup State

IA State Category Action Sequence

The State to start in

How to use

  1. Drag the Trigger Sensor into the Scene from the library

  2. Snap the Trigger Sensor on the desired Spline / IA Module

  3. Adjust the distance from start or end

  4. Set the desired Fill Condition

  5. Add optional Condition

  6. Set the desired action to take, State transition or Trigger Assignment


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