2023.1.116.1 Collector

2023.1.116.1 Collector


The Order Collector can remove products or completed work orders from the simulation.

Where to find

The feature can be found in the Assets Library (Prespective > Menu > Alpha Features > Industrial Assets > Assets Library) under Categories > Action Cues > Collector.

Feature layout

The image below shows the complete feature layout of the Order Collector inspector.

Inspector of an Order Collector that has been assigned to a module



Owner Module

The (Spline) Module that the Order Collector has been assigned to.

Spline Length

The total length of the Spline the Order Collector is on.

Draggable In Scene

Not Implemented for this feature.

Distance From Start

The distance from the start of the Spline to the Order Collector.

Distance From End

The distance from the end of the Spline to the Order Collector.

Area Size

The area of the Order Collector. This is used to determine whether collection should be applied.

Action Sequence Category

Currently only one option is available; “Collection Pattern”.

Add Collection Pattern

Add an extra Action Sequence Category to the Order Collector.

Default OnEnter

All Action Sequence Categories on the Order Collector as shown as a list by their Pattern Name.

Pattern Name

The name of the Pattern.

Pattern Type

The type of the Pattern

“Fixed” has not yet been implemented.

Fill Condition

The condition at which the Collection will be triggered. This describes the position of the to be collected product relative to the area of the Order Collector.

Product Part Filter

Select which products should trigger this Order Collector.

Instruction Type

The action that needs to be resolved upon triggering the Order Collector.

Throughput Visualizer

The Throughput Visualizer for this Order Collector.

Create Throughput Visualizer

Add an (extra) Throughput Visualizer to this Order Collector.

How to use

  1. Add an Order Collector to the scene by dragging it from the Industrial Assets Library.

  2. Assign the Order Collector to a module by snapping it to the module in the Scene View.


  3. Set the appropriate settings in the Order Collector on how to “collect” products or work orders.

  4. Optionally, add a Throughput Visualizer to the Order Collector.

Related content

Prespective Documentation