2023.1.116.1 Collector
The Order Collector can remove products or completed work orders from the simulation.
Where to find
The feature can be found in the Assets Library (Prespective > Menu > Alpha Features > Industrial Assets > Assets Library) under Categories > Action Cues > Collector.
Feature layout
The image below shows the complete feature layout of the Order Collector inspector.
Fields |
Owner Module | The (Spline) Module that the Order Collector has been assigned to. |
Spline Length | The total length of the Spline the Order Collector is on. |
Draggable In Scene | Not Implemented for this feature. |
Distance From Start | The distance from the start of the Spline to the Order Collector. |
Distance From End | The distance from the end of the Spline to the Order Collector. |
Area Size | The area of the Order Collector. This is used to determine whether collection should be applied. |
Action Sequence Category | Currently only one option is available; “Collection Pattern”. |
Add Collection Pattern | Add an extra Action Sequence Category to the Order Collector. |
Default OnEnter | All Action Sequence Categories on the Order Collector as shown as a list by their Pattern Name. |
Pattern Name | The name of the Pattern. |
Pattern Type | The type of the Pattern “Fixed” has not yet been implemented. |
Fill Condition | The condition at which the Collection will be triggered. This describes the position of the to be collected product relative to the area of the Order Collector. |
Product Part Filter | Select which products should trigger this Order Collector. |
Instruction Type | The action that needs to be resolved upon triggering the Order Collector. |
Throughput Visualizer | The Throughput Visualizer for this Order Collector. |
Create Throughput Visualizer | Add an (extra) Throughput Visualizer to this Order Collector. |
How to use
Add an Order Collector to the scene by dragging it from the Industrial Assets Library.
Assign the Order Collector to a module by snapping it to the module in the Scene View.
Set the appropriate settings in the Order Collector on how to “collect” products or work orders.
Optionally, add a Throughput Visualizer to the Order Collector.
Related content
Prespective Documentation