V2020.1.56.3_ Prismatic Joint
Constraints the motion of a GameObject to a translation over a Spline.
Where to find
The Prismatic Joint can be found under Mechanics > Add Kinematics > Prismatic Joint and will be added to the selected object. Without a selection a Prismatic Joint will be added to a new Empty GameObject.
Joints must be placed as children of a Kinematics Controller in the hierarchy
The inspector component looks as below:
Feature layout
The image below shows the complete feature layout of the Prismatic Joint component.
Generic Joint Settings |
Pass Priority | Priority of the kinematic chain calculations. Higher numbers are calculated earlier |
Enforce Outside Playmode | Enforces the prismatic joint in edit mode |
Prevent Kinematic Update | Removes the prismatic joint from the kinematic chain calculations |
Prevent Further Kinematic Update on this GameObject | Allows lower priority kinematic transforms on the same GameObject to be skipped in calculations |
Allow Direct User Input | Allows the user to manipulate the prismatic joint with the scene gizmo |
Min. User Input Translation Offset | The minimum value the user must input before translations are applied |
Min. User Input Rotation Offset | The minimum value the user must input before rotations are applied |
Kinematic Chaining |
Opposing Relation Instance | The kinematic transform to which you want to link the prismatic joint to |
Relation Direction | Describes the direction of the manipulation of the Transforms. The following options are available:
Relation Type | Not yet implemented |
Motion Direction is Reversed | When enabled, the manipulation to/from the opposing kinematic transform is inverted |
Limit Relation & Update Settings |
Spline Input field | Defines the spline to which the Prismatic Joint is bound to |
Prismatic Joint Settings |
Spline Constraint Lenght | The length of the spline |
Current Spline Position | Normalized position of the Prismatic joint over the spline between 0 and 1 |
Target Control Point | The Spline point to be used for Update Limit ControlPoint |
Update Limit ControlPoint | Updates the Target Control Point to the current spline position |
How to use
1. Create a Spline and use it to define the path you want the prismatic joint to follow
2. Add the Spline to the Prismatic Joint and create a new Transform Relation, add an Opposing Relation Instance and define the other settings as required
3. Test if the Transform Relations are working
To test your Transform Relations outside of playmode make sure Enforce Outside Playmode is checked on both Joints
How to use Limits
1. Position the Prismatic Joint object along the spline
2. Select the point in Target Control Point you wish to change and click Update Limit Control Point
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Prespective Documentation