2022.1.1148.0 Toolbar Time Extension
Description of the feature, when and how to use it. Add a GIF of the feature in use.
The Toolbar Time Extension will show whenever a DES Controller is present in a Scene using Industrial Assets. It Allows setting the Time Multiplier settings of the DES Controller and showed the passed simulation time.
Where to find
The feature can be found in the native Unity Toolbar whenever a DES Controller is present in the Scene.
Feature Layout
Toolbar Area |
Time Display (Left) | This Label shows the passed simulation time. |
Time Multiplier (Right | Used to set the Time Multiplier setting of the DES Controller |
How to use
Include a DES Controller in the Scene.
The Time Display will show the passed simulation time in playmode. The Time Multiplier field can also be used outside playmode
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Prespective Documentation