2022.1.1148.0 Industrial Assets Exporter

2022.1.1148.0 Industrial Assets Exporter


Creates assets for the library that can be uploaded to a local or online environment. Creating the assets lets the user store, share and import assets into any project using the Asset Library.

Where to find

The Asset Exporter can be found in the Prespective menu under Industrial Assets > Asset Exporter.


The default Industrial Asset creation window looks like the following:

Default layout
Complete layout


Feature layout






The Gameobject that gets exported as the asset. The asset will contain the gameobject and all underlying gameobjects.

Ignore Nested Assets

Enabling Ignore nested assets will export the asset as a single asset. It will ignore that any children of the asset are marked as their own asset. This means that it will not update that child asset when it is changed in the library.

The Ignore Nested Assets is used when a sub asset uses a script that uses a separate data class in which a Unity Object is referenced. As such references will be lost when exporting to the library.

public class NestedData:SerializedObject { // Will be lost public Gameobject reference; } public class NotSupported:MonoBehaviour { public NestedData nestedData }

Override Versioning ID

Enabling this will create an asset with a specific id. When enabled this will show the ID field where you can input the ID that the asset will use.


The ID of the asset. This needs to be set to an alphanumeric 32-character string. Setting the id to the same id as a previous asset will identify it as the same asset and will show the new asset as a different version.


The name of the asset in the library. This also defines the name that the new game object name will have when adding the asset to the scene.


The version of the asset. Should be in the format of numbers separated by dots. Examples:

  • 1.0

  • 1.1.10

  • 123.600


Select the category of the asset by selecting a value from the dropdown.

Add new category

To add a new option to the category dropdown add the category name in the inputfield and click the Add button. Subcategories can be added by using a forward slash( / ).

  • Shape

  • Shape/Cube

  • Shape/Cube/Small

Prespective Version

Selects the assets Prespective version so it knows how to upgrade between Prespective versions. This dropdown only shows up when the current Prespective can’t be found. If it knows the current version the value will be set automatically to the current version.


Export the asset.

How to use

  1. Create an asset that you would like to save in the library in the scene.

  2. Open the window by going to the Prespective menu and opening Industrial Assets > Asset Exporter.

  3. Make sure that the height (y value of the transform) is set at the desired height when importing. The height of the original GameObject is preserved when the asset is imported.

  4. Select the object to export by dragging the game object into the Select a Game Object to export field in theAsset Exporteror click the selector icon in the field to select it.


  5. EnableIgnore Nested Assets when you want to ignore the nested assets and export it as a single asset. Leave this unchecked when you want the nested assets to update automatically when the nested assets are changed in the library.


  6. Enable the Override Versioning ID when you want to set the ID of the asset. Setting the ID will allow you to create a new version of an existing asset. Enabling the Override Versioning ID will show the ID field.

    By default this option is disabled and exporting will automatically generate a new ID.

    The ID of any asset can be copied by right-clicking an asset and selecting Copy ID. The Copy ID will show the data of the assets in a popup and copy the ID to your clipboard. You can then paste the ID into the ID field.


  7. Change the Name field to define the asset name. The Name field defines the name in the library and the name of the generated GameObject when dragging the asset into the scene. Note that when a GameObject is selected in the GameObject field, the Name field will be set to the name of the selected GameObject.


  8. Add the version by changing the Version field. The version field will use 1.0 by default when left empty. The Version field supports a version of numbers separated by dots.


    • 1.0

    • 1.1.1


  9. Select the category by clicking the Category dropdown and selecting the category.


  10. Categories can be added to the category dropdown by adding the category name in the Add New Category field and clicking the Addbutton. This will only add the category to the category dropdown. The category will not be saved until an asset with that category exists.
    Subcategories can be added by using a forward slash to separate the categories.

    An Asset, added under the category Shapes/Cubes, will be shown in the library under the category Shapes and its subcategory Cubes

  11. Changing the Prespective Version is only shown when the Prespective version cannot be found. The dropdown sets the Prespective version in which the asset was built. The version is used to upgrade between Prespective versions.


  12. The Export button exports the asset, saves it on the local computer and replaces the GameObject with the asset from the library.


  13. After a successful export a success message is shown that says Successfully generated the package. Click Ok.

  14. The library will now show the exported asset.



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