2022.1.1148.0 ControlPanel

2022.1.1148.0 ControlPanel


This object is used to have simulation controls and the ability to change scenes in a build.

Canvas interaction only works in Play Mode or Builds.

Default canvas layout within the game view

Where to find

The feature can be found in the Assets Library (Prespective > Menu > Industrial Assets > Assets Library). The Control Panel can be found under Categories > Export Tools. Drag it from the asset library into your scene view to add the Control Panel.

Feature Layout



A customizable logo. See How to use for details on how to change the logo.


The current simulation time

Press to start/resume the simulation

Press to pause the simulation

Go to the next frame of simulation

The time multiplier used in the when simulating

Press to open a popup with a list of all Unity scenes in the Build Settings.


Press to quit the application.

Only works in a build

How to use

Changing the logo:

  1. Import a custom image in Unity.

  2. Select the logo object.

  3. Change the texture defined in the Raw Image component of the selected object.


Changing scenes in a build or Play Mode:

  1. Make sure there are at least 2 scenes added to the Build Settings.

  2. Enter Play Mode or create a new build and run the application.

  3. Select a scene from the list and click “Load Selected Scenario“.


Related content

Prespective Documentation