2022.1.1148.0 ProductPartSpawner

2022.1.1148.0 ProductPartSpawner


The Product Part Spawner allows you to introduce products (IA Product Parts) into your scene.
It can Spawn IAProductParts from the library onto Conveyor(s) and other modules.


Where to find

The Product Part Spawner can be found in the Assets Library (Prespective > Menu > Industrial Assets > Assets Library). The Product Part Spawner can be found under Categories > Action Cues. From the Library, the Spawner can be dragged and dropped into your scene.

Feature layout

The image below shows the complete feature layout of the Product Part Spawner inspector.


Spawner Cue Settings Foldout





Trigger Cue Settings


General setting of this Cue

Owner Module


The module the Product Part Spawner is snapped on. [read only]

Spline Length (m)


The length of the spline the Product Part Spawner is snapped on in meters. [read only]

Draggable In Scene


Bool that states if the cue that is connected to the Product Part Spawner is draggable in the inspector or not.

Distance From Start (m)


The distance this object is located from the start of the spline in meters.

Distance From End (m)


The distance this object is located from the end of the spline in meters.

Area Size (m)


The size of the Product Part Spawner in meters.
(0 still creates a working spawner, but the start, end and middle are located at the same position)

Spawn Recipe Settings Foldout

Spawn Recipe Settings


Settings for what to spawn

Action Sequence Category


The selected Action Sequence, for now only supports:

  1. IA Product Recipe - Allows for IAProduct parts to be spawned.

Add IA Product Recipe


Button to add another IA Product Recipe.

Recipe Name


The name of the recipe, used for reference in other parts of the spawner.

Selected Product Part And Version


Foldout with the link of the product part from the library.

Asset GUID


The GUID of the object to spawn, Copy this from the asset in the library. (Right mouse button on the asset you want in the library, then select copy ID, past it here)

Assign by Asset GUID


Button to apply the AssetGUID pasted in the “Asset GUID” field above. This initializes the selected asset in the spawner.

Assign by Scene Object


Alternative method to select the object to spawn. Drag an IA Product part from the scene into this field.
[NOTE] this will require you to use an asset that is also in the library, for this copies the library ID to the “Asset GUID” field and assigns the GUID.
[NOTE] after the object is dragged in, this field remains empty.

Asset Version


The version of the asset in the library. Selects the current version set in the library, but allows to use older or newer asset versions.

Part Customization


Allows for extra customization(s):

  1. No Customization - no extra options

  2. Macro - allows you to set extra macro variable(s)


Macro Variables

The name of the macro variable.


Macro Variables

A dropdown for the type: (now only supports Integers)

  1. Integer - a whole number

Devault Value

Macro Variables

The starting value of this Macro Variable.

Add Variable

Macro Variables

Button to add another Macro Variable.

Position Cases


A Foldout containing the Nested Product Parts of the IAProductPart that is selected for spawning.

Add Condition Button

Position Cases

Allows you to add a condition using a macro variable.


Position Cases

Allow you to set a specific rule to check for.


Position Cases

What to do when the previous “if:” statement is true:

  1. Do Nothing - spawn the nested product part

  2. Do Not Spawn - prevent the nested product part from spawning


Spawn Pattern Settings Foldout

Spawn Patters Settings


Create and manage different patterns for spawning

Spawn Patters Settings


Create and manage different patterns for spawning

Action Sequence Category


Only supports Position Pattern.

Add Position Pattern


Button to add a new position pattern to the list.

#0 : Position Pattern Name


A foldout containing the information and settings of this particular Position Pattern.

Pattern Name


The name of the position pattern, used for reference.

Pattern Type


The type of pattern to use:

  1. Fixed - a fixed pattern that’s always the same

  2. Region - [NOT IMPLEMENTED]

Same Recipe for all positions


Sets all different position to the same recipe [does nothing at the moment?]

Position #n


The offset from the spawner on the spline the spawner is snapped on [DOES THIS HAVE ANY EFFECT?]

Add Position


Button to add another position to this position pattern [BUGGED ATM for the spawner]

Scene Preview


Foldout with options for previewing the spawn pattern.

Preview in Scene

Scene Preview

Show a preview in the scene or don't show a preview.

Preview Transparency

Scene Preview

The transparency of the preview, 0 is invisible, 1 is solid.

Preview Color

Scene Preview

The material color of the preview in the scene.

0 Var: Customization

Scene Preview


Spawn Assignment Settings Foldout

Spawn Assignment Settings


The settings on what to do when the spawner is triggered to spawn

Spawn Assignment Settings


The settings on what to do when the spawner is triggered to spawn

Action Sequence


Dropdown with the supported Assignments:

  1. Spawn Assignment - for now only spawn assignments are supported by the spawner.

Assignment Name


The name of the assignment, used for reference in other parts.

Add Condition


Button to add a new condition.



Description of the test that should be true for the spawner to spawn:

  1. # of Parts Present - Test for a specific amount of parts present in the cue of the spawner.

  2. # of Active Instances - Test for a specific amount of the product be active in the total scene (spawned by this spawner only?).

  3. # of Total Spawned instances - Test for a specific amount of totally spawned instances by this spawner, including spawned materials that are removed later on.

  4. Current Target State - Check for a specific state on an object that supports Target States (for instance a Trigger Sensor)
    Opens up a selection field that allows you to drag and drop the target object



Set the rule to test for, for instance “Explicit == 0”. Use the dropdowns to configure your test.

If test fails



Applied Pattern


The previous created Position Patterns to chose from to apply to the spawning action.

On Assignment Completed Successful


Drop down to select an extra action to do when the spawn is successfully done:

  1. Do Nothing - do nothing

  2. Trigger Assignment - Trigger another assignment on a selectable object, this can be on a different object than the spawner.

  3. Trigger State Transition - Trigger a state transition on a selectable object that supports trigger state transitions.


Spawn Trigger Settings Foldout


Spawn Sequence Settings


The settings of when to trigger the spawn assignment

Spawn Sequence Settings


The settings of when to trigger the spawn assignment

Action Sequence Category


The type of action sequence this trigger supports:

  1. Timer Trigger - Trigger this spawner with a customizable timer.

Add Timer Trigger


Button to add another Timer Trigger.

Timer Name

#0 Timer Trigger

The reference name that can be set for this timer.



Dropdown to select the interval of the timer:

  1. Fixed - use a fixed value timer, for instance every 1 second.

  2. Random - use for a random timer that can be set on an random value between 2 values.

  3. Tact - Chain multiple timers with actions together. For instance, spawn a product for 1 second, start a conveyor for 1 second, stop conveyor for 1 second, then check if a new spawn assignment is valid.



The duration of the timer to wait for a new spawn.

Minimum duration


The minimum value of the random time.

maximum duration


The maximum value of the random time.

On Timer Complete

Fixed / Random

Dropdown to select an action:

  1. Trigger Assignment - supports only the triggering of an assignment.

Assignment Owner Object

Fixed / Random

The object to perform the assignment on, by default this spawner itself.

Target Assignment

Fixed / Random

Dropdown to select the assignment on the “Assignment Owner Object“.

On Triggered Assignment Failure

Fixed / Random

Drop down to select an extra action to do when the target assignment failed:

  1. Do Nothing - do nothing

  2. Trigger Assignment - Trigger another assignment on a selectable object, this can be on a different object than the spawner.

  3. Trigger State Transition - Trigger a state transition on a selectable object that supports trigger state transitions.

On Assignment Successfully Staged

Fixed / Random

Drop down to select an extra action to do when the target assignment is successfully done:

  1. Do Nothing - do nothing

  2. Trigger Assignment - Trigger another assignment on a selectable object, this can be on a different object than the spawner.

  3. Trigger State Transition - Trigger a state transition on a selectable object that supports trigger state transitions.

Tact Intervals


A series of Tact “segments” that are played in order to complete a full tact cycle. The tact cycle is run in repeat.
The image below shows a cycle of 3 seconds in total, which runs 3 “segments” in order of appearance.

Tact Segment Name


The name to reference this specific tact segment.

Duration (sec.)


The duration this step takes, in seconds. after this time the “On Tact Timer Complete” action will be called.

On Tact Timer Complete


The action to perform when this tact segment timer is over:

  1. Do Nothing - do nothing

  2. Trigger Assignment - Trigger another assignment on a selectable object, this can be on a different object than the spawner.

  3. Trigger State Transition - Trigger a state transition on a selectable object that supports trigger state transitions.

Assignment Owner Object

Tact - Trigger Assignment

The object to perform the assignment on, by default this spawner itself.

Target Assignment

Tact - Trigger Assignment

Dropdown to select the assignment on the “Assignment Owner Object“.

On Triggered Assignment Failure

Tact - Trigger Assignment

Drop down to select an extra action to do when the target assignment failed:

  1. Do Nothing - do nothing

  2. Trigger Assignment - Trigger another assignment on a selectable object, this can be on a different object than the spawner.

  3. Trigger State Transition - Trigger a state transition on a selectable object that supports trigger state transitions.

On Assignment Succesfully Staged

Tact - Trigger Assignment

Drop down to select an extra action to do when the target assignment is successfully done:

  1. Do Nothing - do nothing

  2. Trigger Assignment - Trigger another assignment on a selectable object, this can be on a different object than the spawner.

  3. Trigger State Transition - Trigger a state transition on a selectable object that supports trigger state transitions.

State Owner Object

Tact - Trigger State Transition

The object on which to trigger the State Change (for instance a Trigger Assignment).

Target State Category

Tact - Trigger State Transition

A dropdown containing the State Categories on the “State Owner Object”.

Transition to State

Tact - Trigger State Transition

The state to transition to.

Add OnComplete Event


Button to add another On Complete event that is executed when the trigger is triggered and the additional condition(s) are met.

Add Tact Interval


Button to add another Tact Interval.

Advanced Timer Settings


The advanced settings corresponding to this timer.



When to start this Timer.

  1. When Simulation Starts

Start Interval


When the Intervals should be started.

  1. Same As Other Interval Options



When and how this Interval should repeat itself.

  1. Forever

Trigger when scheduler is set and active


If this timer should also trigger when a scheduler is set to the spawner. In other words, if this should overrule the scheduler.

The Tact Timer Interface
The Throughput Visualization Settings Interface

Throughput Visualization Settings


Manages the throughput visualization

Throughput Visualization Settings


Manages the throughput visualization

Throughput Visualizer


The Throughput Visualizer for this Product Part Spawner.

Create Throughput Visualizer


Add an (extra) Throughput Visualizer to this Product Part Spawner.

How to use

  1. Open the Industrial Assets Library via Prespective > Menu > Industrial Assets > Asset Library

  2. Download a Conveyor Asset, and drag it into the scene.

  3. Download the latest version of the Spawner, and drag it into the scene.

  4. Toggle on Snapping, by pressing “s“ or the magnet icon, and snap the Spawner onto the Conveyor Asset.

  5. Assign a Product Part Asset to the Spawn Recipe.

  6. Press play

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