2023.1.116.1 Manipulator

2023.1.116.1 Manipulator


The Manipulator is a tool that is used to interact with ProductParts in an Industrial Assets simulation. It is used in combination with a ConstrainedModule (mainly the Robot) to, for example, transfer products from one place to another. One ConstrainedModule may use multiple Manipulators to perform different operations within a simulation.

Where to find

The feature can be found in the Assets Library (Prespective > Menu > Alpha Features > Industrial Assets > Assets Library) under Categories > Action Cues > Collector.

One can add the functionality of the manipulator manually by adding de IAManipulator and SnappableManipulator components to a GameObject.


Feature Layout

The image below shows the complete feature layout of the Manipulator tool.


 Manipulator States

Add Manipulator State Sequence

Adds a Manipulator State


A List with the current states of the manipulator is shown


A foldout containing the state settings. The state foldout is named after the name of the state it represents.

State Name

The name of the state

State Type

The type of state:

  • Empty: In this state the manipulator does not have anything attached.

  • Contains Products: In this state the manipulator can have multiple product attached.

Show Preview

Enables previews of the contained products of this state in the scene.

Contained Product Settings

List with the product that are attached to this manipulator when in this state.

Add Product

Adds a Product (setting) to this state

Euro Pallet

Foldout with the name of the selected product part, which contains the product settings of the attached product in this state.

Selected Product Part And Version

Foldout containing the library selector to select the product with.

Asset GUID

The Library GUID/ID of the Product Part asset to select.

Assign by Asset GUID

Refreshes the loaded Product Part using the GUID filled in the ‘Asset GUID’ field

Assign by Scene Object

Assigns the selected product part using a scene object of the product part library asset.

Asset Version

The version of the selected product part library asset to use.

Position Offset

The positional offset of the product relative to the manipulator this product holds when attached to this manipulator in this state.

Rotation Offset

The rotational offset of the product relative to the manipulator this product holds when attached to this manipulator in this state.


 State Diagram

Open Diagram Window

Opens a new window where you can define the possible state transitions of the manipulator. See example below.

Diagram Window Example

How to use

Typical flow of creating a new manipulator:

  1. Create a new game object.

  2. Add the manipulator mesh to the game object.

  3. Add a IAManipulator component to the game object.

  4. Add a SnappableManipulator component to the game object.

  5. Add a new manipulator state.

  6. Name the new state.

  7. Select the wanted state type for the new state.

    1. if selected type is of ContainsProducts

      1. Add a new product

      2. Assign the wanted library product part.

        1. go in the library to the wanted product part

        2. right click on the product part

        3. select Copy ID

        4. Paste in the Asset GUID field

        5. press Assign by Asset GUID button

      3. Adjust the wanted position offset of the product

        1. You can use the Show Preview toggle to get a real time feedback of the set offset.

      4. Adjust the wanted rotation offset of the product

        1. You can use the Show Preview toggle to get a real time feedback of the set offset.

  8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 until all wanted state re created

  9. Export the manipulator to the library

In order to be able to use the manipulator in the Staging Area an export to the library is needed. This due to the fact you have to have a scene independent version of the manipulator with its states to be able to save staging area settings.

Prespective Documentation