V2020.1.56.3_ Linear Encoder

V2020.1.56.3_ Linear Encoder


The Linear Encoder is a component that simulates a physical encoder.

It consists of two components; Physical and Logic. Both are needed to control the motor through a logic adapter (connecting the Linear Encoder to an external controller through a V2020.1.56.3_ Logic Simulator ). V2020.1.56.3_ Add Control Panel gives you the option to control the encoder from the Unity scene.

Where to find

The Linear Encoder can be found under Standard Components > Linear Encoder

It will automatically be attached to a selected GameObject or otherwise it will create a new GameObject to attach to.

A V2020.1.56.3_ Prismatic Joint will be created automatically as part of the component.

Feature overview - Physical Component

Live Data


Live Data



Current value of the Linear Encoder

Important: The LinearEncoder only functions in play mode and thus only shows data in play mode.





Prismatic Joint

Assign the Prismatic Joint you wish to use for the Linear Encoder

Cycle Value

The value difference between its zero position and max position

Base Value

The minimum value at zero position

Enable Rounding

Enables rounding the output to certain intervals

Rounding Interval

The interval up to which rounding will occur

Cap Value

Enables the use of a minimum and maximum value

Minimum Value

The minimum value of the output value

Maximum Value

The maximum value of the output value

On Value Changed ()

UnityEvent that is fired as soon as the output value changes

In the Control Panel tab you can generate a Control Panel for the Linear Encoder.

How to use - Physical Component

  1. Create a Linear Encoder and setup its Prismatic Joint


  2. Add a Kinematics Controller, this can be found under Mechanics > Add Kinematics > Kinematics Controller to a separate GameObject


  3. Make sure the Linear Encoder is parented under the Kinematic Controller in the Hierarchy


  4. Set the desired settings for the Linear Encoder


  5. Enter PlayMode and test whether the Linear Encoder works.


Feature overview - Logic Component





Linear Encoder

Select a Linear Encoder Component to connect to the PLC






Input and Output from connected PLC


The corresponding value from the connected PLC

PLC Settings & Debugging

These settings are general Logic Component settings. Look at the Logic Component Documentation for more details.

How to use - Logic Component

Look at the V2020.1.56.3_ Logic Component for an example of how to connect a Linear Encoder to an external controller.


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