2023.1.1571.2 GameObject Query

2023.1.1571.2 GameObject Query


The GameObjectQuery tool can select GameObjects present in the scene based on different filter queries.

Where to find

The feature can be found under Prespective Menu > Utilities > Mesh Tools > GameObject Query.

Feature Layout

The image below shows the complete feature layout of the GameObject Query tool.







Parent initialization field


Use this field to only initialize this object and it’s children, rather than the entire scene

Initialize All Objects in Scene


Initialized all GameObjects in the scene to query in

Current Selected Game Objects


Every GameObject currently selection

Exact Similar Mesh


Query option to find objects that use the same mesh

Mesh Surface Area

bool, int

Query option to find objects who’s mesh have the same surface area*

Mesh Volume

bool, int

Query option to find objects who’s mesh have the same volume*

Equal/Smaller (BoundingBox)

bool, int

Query option to find objects who’s mesh are equal or smaller in size*



Query option to find objects that use the same material



Query option to find objects that have the same name

Components on Reference object


Query options generated based on components present on reference object

*: these options can be configured using the deviation fields that pop up once their respective toggle is ticked. The deviation fields allow the query to deviate (with range 0 - 100%) from the intended behaviour.

How to use

Use case 1: Find all gameobject under Cube (1) that have a BoxCollider component

  1. Define Scope: Drag Cube (1) from the Hierarchy into the Initialize Object Field. All child objects are initialized.

  2. Define Reference Object(s): Select Cube (1) in the hierarchy

  3. Box Collider: Select Box Collider in the Object Filters tab and click Select Matching

  4. Result of the query can be seen down below, every child with a BoxCollider component is now selected


Use case 2: find all bolts in a machine setup

  1. Initialize all objects in the machine

  2. Tick the Mesh Surface Area box, then give a little deviation for different sized bolts

  3. Click Select Matching

  4. Notice how not all of the bolts were found, the 5 visible bolts to the left were out of the deviations reach. Increasing this deviation, then clicking Select Matching again, will find different bolts as well.


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